my webcomic idea?

it takes place in a world where angels came into existence! that must mean there is a god! we're saved! but that was a millenia ago and now anyone other than hardcore christians care about them anymore. sure, angels invented planes (the wright brothers? angels.) and many other things, but currently, they live alongside humans as regular citizens.

so, we follow a young angel called Gabriel. she wakes up in some run-down apartment, surrounded by socially inept NEETS who took her in after she crashed her plane. (all angels have one. they can't fly on their own, you know?) they return her her halo, which now has a bite taken out of it, which is weird, because it's made of glass.

the NEETS send her out and point her to the warehouse they left her plane at. it's a 7 hour trip away. Gabriel's life now revolves around finding her plane, meeting other angels on the way. notably, she meets one in a similar situation as her, albeit she was taken in by hardcore christians who shower her in gifts and praise. she's weird. angels aren't holy at all. not in this world. maybe.

Gabriel just wants to find her plane and find out who took a bite out of her halo.

angeleology. that's what it's called! yup!

gabriel herselfg :)

another image of her :)

trhis was as far as i got

angeleology is a repack of this earlier webcomic called angel chauffeur gabriel about an angel who pilots a plane who loses his memory, has a cracked halo and also he's in china (an human country) and doesn't speak mandarin! oh no! angel chauffeur gabriel which was this repack of an older idea that is now lost media because i lost all my files in 2022. i forgot what it was about man! i lost all content relating to it!

video below is ch1 of angel chauffeur gabrielç btw

my gallery full of ACG stuff. sighs